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Covid ‘finished’ in Norway, the health minister said


The Covid-19 epidemic has ended in Norway, according to one of the leading doctors in the response against coronavirus in the rich Scandinavian country.

Preben Aavitsland, chief physician of the Norwegian Institute for Public Health, he wrote On Sunday a photo depicting Norway has been heavily approved by hospital patients since the end of last summer and wrote: “It’s the last plague.”

He he added to VG newspaper: “Here in Norway the plague is almost over. We can begin to adorn ourselves with the corona that takes up little space in our daily lives. “

Norway has had one of those incidents very low prices in Europe in all three waves a plague, has been helped by the small number of minorities and their isolation in northern Europe and have taken immediate action by the government and health authorities as the disease has worsened.

Cases and deaths have been much lower than neighboring Sweden and Denmark, which did the same in Norway.

According to Aavitsland, only a small number have been hospitalized due to Covid-19 and the numbers continue to decline due to more vaccinations, there will be local epidemics in Norway in the future. The authorities were ready to deal with this, he said.

“The fire brigade would say: the fire is over, the danger to the people and the house is over, but in the meantime, and we need to be vigilant,” he told state radio NRK.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg has praised the strong reliance of the Norwegian people in power in assisting her in responding to Covid, as well as her huge $ 1.3tn fund to alleviate the financial crisis.

“What we’ve done well is that, first of all, we started to be strong in the beginning,” he told the Financial Times last month.

Aavitsland said it could take several years for the epidemic to reach the rest of the world and added that Norwegian authorities will continue to offer their expertise outside their home country. “It didn’t end until it was over for everyone,” he added.

Not all Norwegian health workers agree that the epidemic is over in Norway. Espen Nakstad, deputy director of the Directorate of Health in Norway, has warned that the epidemic is “not over” in Norway, and that people will not rest until all seniors receive their second vaccine in August or September.

“We hope we can live a normal life again, even if the epidemic does not end in Norway until all countries are gone,” he told NRK.


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