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Can liberation problems make Russia worse?


In the meantime, the Kremlin government strongly condemns global efforts to bring about these victims, simply to give their voices to the world — to refuse to acknowledge the problem, and to refuse to help.

For example, on May 11, shortly after Biden made that statement, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Preskov openly denied Russia’s involvement in politics. Instead, he criticized the United States “for refusing to cooperate with us in any way to address the threat.”

The Russian census is difficult to calculate but there are a few exceptions: The ransom attack destroys Moscow’s enemies, and the transfer of wealth to Moscow’s allies – all without much trouble.

Now observers are wondering if major events such as the shutdown of the pipeline will change the math.

“The question in the United States and the West is, ‘What are you willing to do in Russia if they can get along?'” Said James Lewis, a psychiatrist at the Center for Strategic and International Study. . What are the consequences of disregarding international standards? ”

“I think we should force Russia to start a terrorist attack,” Alperovitch said. “Not only are they guilty of colonialism, but all groups have been involved in violence, economic fraud, and so on for 20 years. Not only did Russia not do this, they strongly opposed our demand for arrests and gave sufficient evidence to law enforcement officials. “In the meantime, we have to tell them to take action.” In the meantime, we must tell them to take action. “

“Russia has been completely defenseless, unprofessional, unpopular, and unresponsive.”

Dmitri Alperovitch, Silverado Policy Accelerator

There are many examples of terrorists who are strongly influenced by Russian intelligence. The 2014 big scam against Yahoo brought cases Against Russian officials and cybercriminal conspiracy theorist Evgeniy Bogachev, the world’s largest banker, has been related to Russian spies. And several times when vandals are arrested and detained, Russia accuses the US of “to steal people”Citizens: Americans deny that the Kremlin is to protect its criminals to avoid detection and arrest.

Bogachev, for example, has been accused by the US of plotting to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from banks. His whereabouts in a town in southern Russia is no secret, especially for Russian officials who initially agreed to a US-led investigation but eventually withdrew the deal. Like many of his contemporaries, he is unavailable for Moscow’s security.

To be clear: there is no evidence that Moscow condoned the theft of Colonial Pipes. What security experts and spies say is that Russia’s long-term tolerance – and sometimes direct contact with fraudsters, is at the root of the liberation struggle. Allowing the economy to grow steadily makes it inevitable that major infrastructure such as hospitals and pipelines will be hit. But the rewards are high and the risk so far is low, which is why the problem is growing.

What choice will you make?

A few days before the pipeline breaks, the so-called “Fighting the Ransom” reports published by the Institute for Security and Technology. Formed by a special group consisting of government, schools, and representatives of major American corporations, it was one of the most important factors in tackling the problem. His main focus was on establishing a communications strategy for future security across the US; the next phase, he said, would require a global effort to tackle the problem of saving billions.

“The authorities in the past did not consider this problem necessary,” says Phil Reiner, who leads the report. “They did nothing in common. Instead, previous administrators disagreed on the issue of cyber security. It is not surprising that they did not integrate and did not devise a way to do this, they did not do anything. ”

Today, American methods of coping are the potential for fraud by sending a pen or false charges, to the point of being punished in civil cases and taking action against ransom agencies.


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