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Blue Screen of Death in Windows 11 black


The start menu may not be the only thing on Microsoft’s desktop machines that are featured . According to , Windows 11 creates the Black Screen of Death, instead of the blue that we all know and fear. It will be the first to tweak that part of the Windows interface from Microsoft .

Microsoft has not been able to support the new BSOD in Windows 11 here, mainly because the OS is showing up and Insider builds has it . As , there is a way to support a new BSOD in its design, but it does involve updating your Windows registry and not having to do anything you do not want to see.

It is unknown at this time what Microsoft will do with the Blue Screen of Death. However, About suggests that this may be due to the fact that the company is already upgrading some features of the Windows interface to make the OS more modern. Gradually, there are no new words to learn. We will also see that much can change from now until Microsoft sends Windows 11 down.

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