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Best Interior Interior Seats, Cups, Pads, and Sales (2022)


One evening when When I was in the fourth grade, the girls were thrown out to watch a video about baths, blankets, and tampons. This is where my education about menstruation began and ended, a secret that the boys did not know about. It was, from that point on, the instinct in us that it is a disgrace to find your time.

Not so, and some of us at WIRED talked at length about our time and our habits. Long before papers and tampons were used, people simply spilled blood on their clothes or used household cloths. if the output was too heavy. Women often wore rags that were then washed and reused later (hence the word “sitting on a sack”).

Now there are temporary underwear, monthly cups, reusable diapers, non-abrasive tampons, and registration services to bring the goods to your home each month. We tried a lot of new things to find the best ways to budget and create the environment, as well as the ones that just made the time of the month so good. This is what we love.

Updated January 2022: We’ve also added seasonal underwear and custom cups. We’ve added more and more changing prices all this time.

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Editor-in-chief Adrienne So and editor Louryn Strampe also tried and contributed to the book.

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Table of Contents

Temporary underwear (and gym)

It can be scary to leave the menstrual cycle in the first place, but underwear is a good place to start if you want to change your routine—I left the tampons completely and he was not lost. It sucks blood without feeling damp, and should not be moved to your clothes if you have worn the right amount of absorption. You may also wear it because of poor hygiene, frequent bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, or sweating. There are also loose and loose-fitting, lacy straps.

Underwear is usually not cheap, but you can save money over time without having too many tampons or pads. Start with two to see your favorite styles; in the end, you can get enough to cover your entire cycle. Temporary underwear votes for absorbency levels. Some types say this using liquid spoons or in comparison with the amount of tampons inserted; we have seen here.

Our Two Loved Ones

As always in underwear in my drawer, I reach out Knix ($ 23- $ 38) first. Nylon yarns are very smooth and cool, if you wear high quality skirts, and they do not dig anywhere. If you like cotton, the color also has it. Even pairs that suck heavily do not feel as thick – they do not feel like a pad. I wear Dream shorts ($ 38) sleep regularly, even before menstruation.

This variety has four levels of breastfeeding: Light (one teaspoon), Medium (three teaspoons), High (4-6 teaspoons depending on the style), and Super (8 teaspoons). There is also a postpartum collection and tools of youth time.

The Best Types of Budgets

All Period Company underwear only costs $ 12 (the boxers are $ 22 and Sleeping shorts is $ 24). At this price, you can wear it all week without spending as much money as other brands on this list.

I tested the Heavy absorbency version which has nine liquid tampons, which are the most active of all I have tested. It doesn’t feel weird, but if you do wear it, it might be a bit awkward (and it seems funny). I love them for sleeping on heavy days. Pali a Game line which have the same absorbency but are made of a stretchy, damp cloth to reproduce sweat. There is also Light versions produced by a single layer of less absorbency, and thus thinner around, and Young people.

More Favorites

Now I have tried on underwear for different seasons and I believe there is something for everyone.

  • Modibodi ($ 19- $ 45) has many styles and absorbency levels of the products I tested. From Super Light (half to full tampon), Moderate-Heavy (2-3 tampons), up to Maxi 24 hours (10 tampons), and doses in between, you can get what you want every day of your time. So it is possible, mother, swimwear, and active options.
  • Salt ($ 29- $ 39) underwear is made up of three bottles of water that have been replaced after purchase. It just gives two levels of absorbency, Light (1-2 light tampons) and Always up (2-3 regular tampons), but the styles are beautiful with mesh and cords of choice. I recommend using other colors on your busy days.
  • Bambo ($ 12- $ 19) it also has only two levels of breastfeeding — Leakproof (on visible or lighter days) and Absorbent (2 tampons) —but it is one of the cheaper options, along with Period Company above.
  • Manufacturer ($ 25- $ 43) It has many original styles with four sucking levels: Light (1 tampon), Moderate (3 tampon), Heavy (4 tampons), and Super Heavy (5 tampons).
  • Pure Rosy ($ 29- $ 32) they only offer three styles and one level of glitter (up to 2 light tights), but they are beautiful and have a clear voice – the company says more choices are coming in the spring of 2022. works with the DARE Women Foundation to donate her underwear to young Tanzanian girls, as well as food and water to needy communities.
  • Cora ($ 30) it has only one style and the level of absorbency, so I believe the company is growing. But if you are buying heat weather treatment mentioned below i want to try on underwear, it is good.
  • Adidas Period-Design Akabudula ($ 45) and Difficulty ($ 65) they are expensive, but they are made of underwear that is built inside. The brand recommends wearing this in addition to a tampon, pad, or cap for protection, especially if you are in the gym or exercising for a while, but I found that it is fully absorbed without anything else. The Bike Shorts ($ 45) I thought it was still available from Nordstrom, at least here (not available on the Adidas page).

Tampons and paper need frequent changes and are not good for the environment – they are made to be discarded within a few hours. Menstrual cups, however, are reusable, durable silicone cups that retain blood and prevent bleeding. Buy it once and it should be several years. There is a way to learn, then try the days you will be home, and you may need to try a few before you find your perfect one.

To use the menstrual cup, you need to fold it (available many ways to do this) and insert it into your vagina. Walk around to make sure it is fully expanded and form a seal. When you are ready to release it, pinch at the bottom of the cup slightly breaking the seal — it’s a strange feeling, but don’t worry, it shouldn’t feel like it’s torn. Depending on your exit, most menstrual cups can last up to 12 hours, so you can go all day working without wasting a public bath. Put a cup in it is a tool to help determine which cup would be the best. YouTuber RawBeautyCristi also offers good advice on their experiences using the menstrual cup.

Our Favorite Cup

I appreciate and see the best in all the cups I have tried on this book, but I always like other choices. It doesn’t hurt, but it was like I knew I was using one, until I tried the Lily Cup. As soon as he entered, I forgot that it was there. Until I slept well.

Its secret is its shape and size. It is more flexible, thinner, and softer than most cups, so it is slightly curved and smoother. If you have never used a cup, or like me, have not found someone you love, try this. Like most cups available, there is one for those who have never had a vagina and who have given birth.

More Options

If Lily Cup doesn’t interest you or you want more, MeLuna is the most popular in the group. There are several sizes, strengths, and stem types to choose from, and the company offers practical tips to find the right fit.

There are also tools available, too, in combination one that comes with a glass cleaner burner ($ 56). Most people just boil them down to clean, but if you live somewhere like a dorm where you do not want to boil your cup in the community kitchen, it is a good idea.

Menstruation We Love

Photo: Nixit

I think most people would like Kakombo, but there is nothing like it when it comes to time. There are so many options we like, and many are the cheapest.

  • The Nixit Disc ($ 42) is a shallow type of cup, but otherwise, it works just as well. WIRED reviewer Louryn Strampe has tried it and says it is a good option if you do not like to feel sucked after removing menstrual cups. Menstrual irons also return to the vagina, which means you can still have sexual intercourse when you use them.
  • Flex Discs ($ 11 for 8) and Softdiscs ($ 11 for 14) with the lost Nixit Disc types above, and a few of us at WIRED have tried. If you hate regular shower cups but have never tried a disc, you can start here and find Nixit if you think you need a recycling method—Flex has reusable type ($ 35) and that we did not try. This also applies to casual sex.

For some reason, the idea of ​​a reusable pad seems harder to wrap around my head than a temporary underwear, but it’s the same. WIRED Editor Adrienne then tested the following papers and says they are all well made and in good condition. Their wings shoot your underwear instead of sticking to it, and depending on what you buy, there may be small extra bags.

The idea of ​​carrying on a blood transfusion that has been used is a bit strange. But you can use them when you are at home or choose a dedicated carry-on bag – our favorite packages, GladRags, have them. several ways for you try. To save at home, you may want to get a small sealed bin where you can soak the radio in cold water and wash it thoroughly at the end of the day, or wash it thoroughly until it is ready to wash clothes.


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