Axa operations in Asia hit redemption

Insurance group Axa said one of its Asian businesses had been subjected to the “redemption” scandal, after a terrorist group claimed it had taken secret information groups from the company.
Axa Partners, an international insurance company in Paris, said on Sunday that some parts of its operations in Asia “recently experienced threats that affected its operations in Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and the Philippines”.
At the first appearance of the market, Axa said last week that it would happen suspending the registration of cyber insurance reimburses the amount of ransom paid paid to the cyber. The move, which is only allowed by the group’s French customers, came as insurers have been criticized by some officials for encouraging companies to pay by making such payments.
An expert said the rescue took place before Axa changed.
The assassination attempt by Axa came after cybercriminals who used the rescue program Avaddon said on Saturday that they had stolen an Asian group and stole three terabytes of data, on a dark page seen by the Financial Times.
The report said the information was collected from his team in Thailand, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Malaysia, as well as customer information, medical records and statements, as well as information from hospitals and doctors.
It also included photographs of IDs and passport pages, bank documents, medical bills, and medical records that patients appear to share as evidence to tarnish the company.
Affected activities are located within Asia Assistance, which provides emergency assistance, including health, to other areas of the organization. Axa Partners said the plans for Thailand’s Inter Partners Asia were thwarted, adding that “there is no evidence that any other information was obtained”.
“A team working with foreign legal experts is investigating the matter,” the company added, adding that regulators and business partners have been notified.
Axa said that in the event that “any personal information is compromised, necessary steps will be taken to inform and assist all customers and the people affected”.
AXA Philippines stated on its Facebook page that it has “technical difficulties” with its Emma AXA PH author, its MyAXA page and its support page.
The news of the robbery comes a week after the high-profile eagle eagle US pipelines caused a shortage of oil on the East Coast. Eagles monitor the controls of those affected or computers, so that they only release when paid.
Like many terrorist manufacturing companies, Avaddon maintains the app, as well as lends it to others through its affiliate program, deducting any expenses incurred. According to Cyber security experts at Malwarebytes, the FBI last week issued a warning that an unnamed group is using Avaddon to increase risks to U.S. and foreign business companies, manufacturing and healthcare teams.
The Colonial Bank robbery has also sparked controversy over whether it should ban blankets for those who are struggling to pay the ransom. The White House and the FBI advise not to pay for seizures, saying they only provide incentives for additional costs and legal fees.
However, some cybersecurity experts say that organizations have no choice, and a ban could force these terrorists to go to such threats, such as hospitals.
The same cyber insurance policy pays only for compensation, for operations that follow the revolt and for data recovery or business disruption.
The second is one of the “car drivers” that pays the most cyber insurance prices, according to Sarah Stephens, head of cyber-global head at Marsh broker. The opening of the threats led to a “plague” of the rescue operation, he said.
The prices of cyber insurance have risen in recent months as insurers continue to speculate, Aon, another retailer, says in March that major insurers expect a 20% to 50% increase in 2021.
With additional reports of Stefania Palma in Singapore and Primrose Riordan in Hong Kong and David Keohane in Paris
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