Apple Music pays a penny on the stream, doubling Spotify
has revealed in a letter to artists that he pays one penny for each song. While this doesn’t seem like much, it’s around twice pay rate. Apple doses sometimes pour down a coin down the river, depending on Wall Street Journal. But it’s much higher than Spotify mid-river pay between half and half.
Finally, Spotify had higher paid members than Apple Music. Spotify was in the fourth quarter of 2020, with 345 million users. The last time Apple unveiled Music registration numbers was in June 2019, when it had more than 60 million members.
Spotify users move more music than is available on other platforms. Thus, the company manages more money in the music market than its competitors. It paid those who had € 5 billion (about $ 6 billion) last year.
Artists do not receive the money directly. Apple, Spotify and other services pay royalties to right holders, such as publishers, subscribers and distributors. Artists and songwriters earn less money, depending on how they treat those who have the right to do so.
Apple wrote in its letter that it pays 52% of the subscription fee to Music for recordings. About two-thirds of Spotify’s revenue (including from free users, advertisers) goes to subscribers, about 75-80% of the subscription fee. Everywhere, promotion of money recorded last year, according to a report by the Recording Industry Association of America.
Artists, market experts and many fans have been demanding paid fees from advertising sites, especially the COVID-19 epidemic that has brought about a series of short-lived visits, which bring in revenue for actors. Gradually, the clear display from the music streaming platform is a legitimate move.
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