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Apple has still released the iOS 14 security updates after the iOS 15 release


Apple releases large-scale upgrades to its high-end smartphones for its annual devices, even if they are new or adequate, the best option is to install them soon.

However, the reality is that sometimes changes can be disrupted by other apps or the tools of others, organizational restrictions sometimes prevent people from changing immediately, and sometimes bugs outperform the latest .0.1 update – as we have seen on iOS 11.0.1, 12.0.1 and 14.0.1.

For whatever reason, some users may feel free to follow their OS version for a while and as part of the WWDC event, the company has announced that this time, you will be able to stick with iOS 14 even if iOS 15 is released. MacRumors pointing the pen in IOS 15 watch list This explains how things will work out.


Software updates

iOS now offers a choice between two types of software updates in the Settings app. You can change the latest version of iOS 15 as soon as it is released on the latest features and complete security updates. Or continue on iOS 14 and still get the necessary security updates until you are ready to change to the next version.

Now you can still get the necessary updates without getting a new OS version or notifications that could damage apps that don’t play well with iOS 15.

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