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A short life of epidemics of global success stories


The author, Morgan Stanley Investment Management’s global expert, is the author of ‘The Ten Commandments of Good Practices’

A frequently asked question – which countries are most successful in fighting the epidemic – will now have one unanimous answer. It takes a month. Bacteria have been producing success, and in different ways.

Recently, the US and UK were punished for incomplete responses led by “Legitimate fools” and they were encouraged by the “unknown faith” in their nation. “She is now highly regarded Prompt vaccination, and it is considered a safe summer vacation.

Meanwhile, many countries that were initially praised for their HIV status, from Asia to Europe, have experienced debilitating tumors, slow-release vaccines or both. The irony in these cases is the way in which all the variables are used to describe successes and failures – and then quickly forgotten. Nobody calls US “third world ”world now.

The search for effective solutions began in South Korea and Taiwan, where the lowest cases were made by well-organized organizations, and organized corporations ready to follow the rules to a lesser extent. “it’s hard to imagine the west. “This was before the Korean crisis.

After running 102 days without any local charges, Thailand was is cited as an example Last September was the World Health Organization, which provided the largest amount of money for public health. Many experts have also suggested that Thailand and its neighboring Mekong have cultures that strive to be clean and uncluttered.

Life information was also provided on a small number of premature deaths in India. Lives living in crowded homes, eating unhealthy food and drinking dirty water allowed millions of Indians to have adequate protection against pathogens, including coronavirus. Or the story was told. Last month, Thailand was affected and India has been criticized for filling the charges.

Similar success stories have had a very short time in the west. Sweden lightweight connection method in lockdowns has always fascinated you, who think the country “Next culture” can make people safer. In addition, many people in Sweden say that they are the only races, a natural way of communicating. Cases continued to escalate in the last fall by the king of Sweden he announced His plan has failed.

Germany circled immediately. After the first wave, I was one of many experts think this described the power that already existed in Germany, from good government to solidarity. Others praised the honesthearted people who wanted to follow “the great scientist” Angela Merkel. Then, during the winter, the second wave hit hard.

Probably none of the countries that fell stronger than Canada, which had lower levels than the US last summer. Canadians proudly admire high quality care and supportive spirit, and the “normal” political system led by the Prime Minister does not believe in these bizarre doctrines.

Now, the vaccination distribution is it flies fast in the US than in Canada. The daily number of Canadian cases was sharper than in the US. Canadian people acceptance “humbly” the new appreciation of the American medical profession knows how. So do some white people. But history will judge how nations managed to tackle the plague, not just in May 2021.

In fact, the virus could not have been destroyed “an idea that has already been beaten by Americans”, As many expected last year. But no major country has achieved adequate animal protection. Opening and closing has been a pilot experiment, with a wide range of travel around the world. No one can guarantee how the final game is played.

Vaccination can be a miracle weapon that ultimately wins the battle. The US Centers for Disease Control is cautious though sending a message that although the vaccine is very effective, whether it will work against all species has not yet been determined. He did not claim to have won. Some may be wise not to do so.

Lesson for medical professionals: pursuing successes in the midst of war and error. Remember how the winners were announced last month before they announced the winners this month. Be aware that the virus has the only way to survive.

More importantly, see how the misconceptions of culture define success and failure. Quick-drawn cartoons have not been an effective tool for predicting the rise and fall of colors. Coronav disease has also produced them as shallow thoughts.


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