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A handshake emoji is coming in 2022


Apple and Google have come up with the idea for the Unicode Consortium add tons of blind to emoji, many images have been changed to integrate. But there has been one thing different: shaking hands emoji. It’s one of those moody times where he would break into endless soliloquy with himself. Unfortunately, this is about to change.

Unicode Consortium launches Emoji 14.0 sometime in 2022, incorporates a new hand gesture that can help you change the left and right hand shape on all 25 colors. Until you become flexible and shake hands with emoji and a long journey of Unicode Consortium and someone who is committed to change.

Last year, Next page spoke with Emojipedia founder Jeremy Burge about the process. From start to finish, making emoji can take only two years. What made the handshake even more difficult was the fact that it affects two people. The Unicode Consortium could have changed it already, but its limits editing notes they would have hands sharing the same skin. And while other platforms follow this trend, many decided to wait until Unicode added support for skin-blended colors. The agency has been working on the project since its release Emoji 12.0.

COVID-19 added wrinkles to each item. Jennifer Daniel, Google’s chief emoji maker, first promoted a handshake in 2019. After receiving her suggestion, the Unicode Consortium decided to include emoji 14.0, which it wanted to release in 2021. But as with most things last year, the epidemic was delayed. Now that things are back, you should see an emoji on your phone sometime next year.

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