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75 Years Ahead, Doomsday Clock Continues


In Stanley Kubrick’s Classic 1964 satire Dr. Strangelove, only one guilty officer is needed to lead the nuclear bombers, including the United States and the Soviet Union’s “definite destruction,” in order to cause a global catastrophe. The video only looks at the dangers that still exist today, including the possibility of a single machine or one person with a nuclear weapon that produces a fungus-killing cloud.

For 75 years, a Doomsday Clock has been drawing attention to the dangers that can endanger human life. Produced by researchers and legal experts from Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the founder of the magazine of that name, the clock began to roll in 1947, two years after the United States dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan. It is not a real clock; it is a masterpiece of one, and it is a powerful symbol of scientific activists and freedom fighters. It has also affected pop culture; was mentioned by singers from Sting to Smashing Pumpkins to Iron Maiden, and in everything from Guard comic books that Doctor Himself on TV. Its original purpose was to highlight the dangers of nuclear war, but the task was expanded to include other man-made challenges that threaten development. It is set at seven minutes until “midnight,” now sharply set at 100 seconds until midnight, the closest thing to a human end. On Thursday, as members of the Bulletin celebrate the 75th anniversary of the clock, they will again change their timing, either near or far from the apocalypse.

“The Doomsday Clock is considered the most iconic art of the 20th century, and I think it has gained momentum in the twentieth century. It speaks of the power of combining art and science,” says Rachel Bronson, president. CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. To celebrate the occasion, Bronson and his colleagues have made a Spotify playlist, formed the theme of doomsday drinking guide, and will publish book and Robert Elder this spring on the design of the clock.

Chicago-based artist Martyl Langsdorf designed the watch after World War II, working with her husband Alexander Langsdorff, a Manhattan Project scientist, and other researchers who helped to locate it. Stories from the ground. Experts at The Doomsday Clock have the unavoidable task of identifying and measuring potential apocalypses, as well as our progress as a group – or lack of them – in prevention. It started at a time when nuclear war was on everyone’s mind after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki annihilation, when bombs killed scores of people. 210,000 people and injuring and infecting many others with radiation that causes cancer. The minute hand was tossed around for years, following the advent of the most devastating hydrogen bomb, the case of false nuclear alarms, and the Cuban Crisis in 1962, perhaps the most serious crisis in history.

An arms race between the United States and the former Soviet Union prompted the country to assemble some of the largest dangerous weapons of war, reaching a peak of nearly 60,000 of them during the 1980s. Nowadays, there are “only” of 9,000 nuclear weapons remain all over the world, but this is enough to destroy people most of the time.

“The nuclear threat has not been eliminated in any way,” says John Mecklin, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Stories. “The use of any number of nuclear weapons could significantly change development. Whether caused by accident, misuse, or terrorism, the potential for nuclear bombs is so great that our organization considers it extremely dangerous. ”


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