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Trump leader seizes information from two Democratic lawmakers: Report | Donald Trump’s story

Opponents in the Department of Justice took what Apple wrote to two Democratic lawmakers, according to the NY Times.

Opponents of the U.S. Department of Justice led by former President Donald Trump took information from Apple to two Democratic lawmakers at the House Intelligence Committee, as well as colleagues and relatives, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Linked metadata subpoenas were addressed to congressman Adam Schiff of California, Trump’s enemy who was then a Democrat and is now their chairman, the newspaper reported.

The acquisition came in 2017 and early 2018 when the department analyzed the release of information that it describes. artists between Trump’s administration and the Russian government, according to the newspaper.

Congressman Eric Swalwell told CNN on Thursday that he was the Democratic second-in-chief on the committee that threatened him.

“I was notified by Apple that they had confiscated my records. It’s wrong,” he said.

One of the family members following them was a child, the newspaper reported.

According to the Times, prosecutors under Jeff Sessions’ s attorney general’s special effort to find out the source of the information have been published.

Officials in the Department of Justice have not only monitored the electorate not only of lawmakers, but also of co-workers and families, perhaps following a child because investigators think lawmakers use peer-to-peer or children’s weapons to hide contact with journalists.

The Department of Justice and Apple have not commented on the report.

In the end, there were no findings or other evidence that prompted lawmakers or the Housing Advisory Committee to come out, according to the Times.

But the investigation was revived by the attorney general, Bar Barr, a year later, the newspaper reported.

The confiscation of the documents does not usually appear outside the scope of the investigation into corruption.

‘Making rules’

Schiff, though he did not confirm the identity of the accused, called for an investigation by the chief justice of the Justice department to find “these cases and others that show that law enforcement is a fraudulent President”.

Trump “tried to use the Department as a fraud against political opponents and the media. It also appears that the petition was unsuccessful,” Schiff said in a statement.

Top Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi also wanted to investigate, describing the New York Times as “difficult”.

“This seems to be one of the atrocities that our democracy has committed against the former President,” he said.

The Department of Justice ordered Apple to terminate this year, meaning lawmakers were unaware of the investigation until a technical giant notified them last month, according to the paper.

Schiff, who led the Democratic opposition party during Trump’s first Senate trial in the Senate in early 2020, has been mocking the former President, calling him a “terrorist.”

He made the case early 2020 for Trump to be removed from office for abuse of power and blocking Congress. Trump was later released. He was later indicted by the House, and acquitted by the Senate, for his actions in promoting a violent attack on the US capital on January 6, 2021.

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