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Gavin Newsom Remembrance Choice Shares Silicon Valley Elite

Silicon Valley or a well-known residual area. Electricians are known to waste their resources promoting equality between men and women or complete elimination homelessness, sometimes even paying high taxes to the very rich—that is, they themselves. The generous donations were seen as recently as possible with the help of California Ambassador Gavin Newsom, who is now remembered in September a special choice. Not surprisingly, Newsom received donations from reviewers, including Marissa Mayer and Eric Schmidt. Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, has donated $ 3 million to the Stop the Republican Recall of Governor Newsom committee. The California Democratic Party, by comparison, came here helped $ 2.15 Million.

While donations from technology companies and the media strongly oppose memorization efforts – $ 5.6 million to $ 233,000, according to Cal Stories– a small but well-known group of experts are trying to bring out Newsom and showcase another California brand. Some, such as Oracle founder Larry Ellison, are well-known Republicans, but others have supported radical politics and re-launched the 2018 Newsom campaign.

The money-making company and former Facebook CEO Chamath Palihapitiya recently described California as an “unsavory culture of innovation,” due to high taxes and a government that does more in terms of business. Palihapitiya, who previously supported candidates for the Democratic Republic such as Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren, sent $ 100,000 to Rescue California, one of the most memorable groups. (He also created a website,, to explain what he wants to do, but has also stated that he does not want to join Newsom. at its 2018 conference, has also donated money to Rescue California Twitter, he described the “complete failure of Newsom – extinguishing, schools, crime, homelessness, fire,” as a reason for retaliating. (No Palihapitiya or Sacks responded to emails from WIRED.)

While the Palihapitiya and Sacks may seem overcrowded in the Burning Man-esque ethos in Silicon Valley, their ideas represent the whole group. In 2017, researchers at Stanford studied the political ideas of the elite and found them “quite different from any other group.” Neil Malhotra, who led the study, said business people were more active and involved, promoting issues such as same-sex marriage, gun control, and free trade. They love to support the distribution of the economy and love social services. Where experts show up is their disregard for government regulations, especially in the workplace. Although they rely on the left in many ways, Malhotra says experts are not generous, but “generous.”

For decades, professional executives were strong in the Republican – “in terms of economic, social and democratic values,” Margaret O’Mara, a political historian and author Code: Silicon Valley and Remaking of America, He wrote in an email. But since the time of Clinton, many technical experts have aligned with Democrats, who have played well with trade. The small group has remained very strong on libertarian.

“The valley is as impatient with politics as usual, but its leaders – as well as funders – have fallen into two categories,” O’Mara said. In the first camp, those who believe that “government is important and need to be reformed through the Silicon Valley style of writing” may be allied with Democrats. In the second camp, those who love the state do not go out of their business to have close ties with the Republicans. In the past, these camps were sometimes disrupted, or adhered to by their own rules: Peter Thiel, one of the best-known valley experts, donated $ 57,400 to the Newsom campaign of 2019. (The founder of PayPal left Miami.)

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