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The most important things Microsoft has announced today

Today, Microsoft officially Windows 11 unlocked, the next type of user (after a loss revealed anonymously last week). It will bring a new, customized Start Menu, a few flashlights and screen support, a solid integration with Xbox Game Pass, and a new push for Windows Store. If you’ve missed the keyword, here’s what you need to know.

Windows 11 is Similar to Previous Versions, but (We Believe) Better

You are forgiven if the new features in Windows 11 sound better. Microsoft is add widgets, bright windows, and shooting at a window. All of this has been going on for some time, but the Windows 11 interface looks great. On the contrary, many of these new features seem to have been created around the head of the revolution rather than in mass production (which is a good thing, because we all remember Windows 8.)

Except for a few changes that can be confusing.

Start Menu and Task Bar Are in the Middle Now

First, the main difference in Windows 11 is that the task button and the Start button are fixed instead of sitting on the left side of the window. There will be a chance to move around if you don’t want to miss the memory of your muscles, but Microsoft seems to want to bring this up in terms of how MacOS and Chrome OS look.

The new Start Menu, which will also appear in the middle of the window, has been redesigned to remove Live Tiles (the only ones that were useful in the past), instead of including programs that have been hacked by recent documents. The search feature will appear at the top of the menu which, like Start Start today, will intelligently search for the content, apps, or updates you want to find.

Widgets are back (Again)

Microsoft tried to make the widgets work for many years before leaving them, but it is probably (probably) the kind that sticks. The new taskbar button will open a widget app with a list of to-do lists, weather, traffic volume, calendar, and other essential tools. This is not much different from the way tools work in macOS, which are available when you want to scan but disappear when you need them. Eventually the section will be open to builders, to be able to add their widgets, but we will have to see how much.

Using More Information is Nearly Finding More

Laptop users who put their computer on another monitor are well aware of the complications that come with monitoring all their windows. When you remove the project, any windows in the controls are replaced and moved around, creating a mess on your computer. Windows 11 can do that. When you unplug your laptop on a second computer, any windows that open on the screen will shrink but remember their location. When you close the curtain, it starts back to where it was before.

Funny Groups Updated Windows Update

The current version of Windows is useful if you want to install two side windows, but either way you have to do it yourself. Windows 11 will change this. Now, when you look up the Maximize button on the screen, you’ll see a small selection, showing you the various layouts you can on the screen, including three or four layouts. You can select windows that will fill everything else and start working faster.

Translucent Windows Are In Fashion Once Again

One of the things that Microsoft left behind, Windows 11 will also make the default window. Apps and window limits – including the Start Menu and widget options only – should be slightly transverse, like a stained glass window. It’s a good look and probably won’t have it the same functionality that Aero had on low-end hardware last Microsoft tried this trick.

Graphics should be easy to work with

When the Microsoft hardware group manufactures Laptops and tablets are very flexible, the app has not really been saved. Windows 11 hopes to tackle some frustrating problems by adding more features to help you upgrade windows. There is also a small keyboard that can be located in the corner of the screen with one hand, not unlike the one you can type on your phone. If you use a stylus, the OS will also help you respond more quickly, which can make writing more natural. It still seems like these changes are enough for Windows to be a natural connector, but it would not be worse than a complete switch in Tablet Method as Windows 10 does now.

It’s Free This Holiday Season

As the last time Microsoft announced a major version of Windows, updates to Windows 11 will be free if you have Windows 10. The only other warning is that your system must meet Windows 11 requirements, which you can check download PC Health Check app Here.

PC Games Getting The Best Of Xbox

Since Microsoft has two of the largest platforms in the world – Windows PC and Xbox – you might think the combination of the two is very important. Finally, Windows 11 makes this a reality.

For starters, Windows 11 will bring Xbox game updates to PC. The first is the company’s DirectStorage API, which allows games to store your GPU memory, which can reduce hard times. The process is a little harder than what a brief description sounds like, but if you have the tools and games that support it, you are wasting less time waiting to play.

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