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Richard Branson Reaches Place at VSS Unity Virgin Galactic

Heaven passed Spaceport American in Las Cruces, New Mexico, was on fire last night. The storm was so severe that it prevented the Galactic preparations for her twins, the mother Eva and a terrain vehicle called VSS Oneness, from their hangar. The delay meant the departure of a planned flight today, which could send in personnel Oneness Fifty miles[50 km]above the earth, they would be pushed back 90 minutes.

But it doesn’t matter — Richard Branson still has plenty of time to beat Jeff Bezos out.

And he did it. At 9:25 am MT, about 45 minutes after you leave the spaceport during a delay, part of the duo’s spacehip, Oneness, was ready to be released Eva. Branson and five of his companions – two pilots, three other professional pilots – were on board. Branson waited for the light of the rocket engine and had a dry smile on his face. A fire broke out in the car, and within two minutes, it reached the top. Branson was on the edge of the space, about 80 miles. Fifteen minutes later, Branson and his team returned to Earth, ready to discuss how Virgin Galactic would provide the same information to anyone who wants to pay $ 250,000 or so. Hundreds are already on the waiting list.

Branson is the king of show, so it’s no surprise that the launch was a celebration. A few hours before the launch, Branson’s Twitter feed, along with his colleagues, was packed with a handful of videos showing the hero’s journey. We saw him arrive at the spaceport by bicycle – a paddle across the Atlantic? – and greet the co-workers, who were previously decorated Under the armor. “You’re Too Late!” he told her. “Get well!”

The longest video showed them signing in a log, with Branson identifying himself as the Astronaut 001. The CEO of Virgin Galactic sent a photo of the event’s viewer — Elon Musk. As Branson walked to the match date, he was surrounded by spectators cheering; stopped the struggle to sign reminders issued by minors. The diet alone was sponsored by Stephen Colbert. Waiting for the wings was Khalid, who wrote the song, “New Year’s Eve,” to reveal at the end of the tour.

The only downside is that the powerful King of Media meal in a capsule failed within two real minutes of travel. Viewers were stunned to see Branson and his teammates spinning happily. (The closest to us was about three feet of very strong legs moving around.) And we never heard from a British businessman when he was released from gravity. “We will make sure that we hear her magic voice and share it when the world is discovered,” said one of the Virgin’s spokeswoman at the dinner.

Hiding the Virgin Galactic aircraft today is a non-tropical and unprecedented competition among billions. After a successful trial trip to May, Virgin Galactic’s mindset had three more practice trials this year with Branson’s second of these. But after that Bezos announced To be one of the passengers on the first Blue Origin flight, Branson quickly changed the time of the Virgin. Oneness can return on July 11, with the rapid change that the company took off. And Branson lives in a courtyard, with a cabin full of his staff. In addition to personal risk, there was money: Virgin Galactic became a state-owned company in late 2019 merging with an existing company in the stock market, and an unsuccessful escape could cost the pooch, depending on the share price.

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