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Phantom Jelly Extremely Available in Amazing 4K Video

This post can go a number of ways. I can start by saying, wow, the sea is amazing. Or I could start by saying I believe you are not ready to sleep tonight. It’s because the giant phantom jelly taken by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute is a little Rorschach test, which can cause panic and panic because, well, I mean look.

We can start with the tips for the giant phantom jellyfish into a cool jelly. A large group of phantom jelly has been observed in the wild about 100 times since it was first discovered by humans in 1899. This is the ninth time MBARI researchers have encountered it despite having swam thousands by using a long-distance vehicle.

This is a fascinating history of myth because it resides in every sea except the Arctic. Yes, this too is a cause for fear. For all I know, this jellyfish can draw me deep one time when I visit Coney Island.

Wait, sorry and leave me alone. Good facts, clear, clear. That’s right. OK. That is why this jellyfish also lives in an area known as “midnight,” an area located in water that is not in the dark or abyss. It is a beautiful place between 3,300 and 13,000 feet (1,000 to 4,000 meters) underground. No amount of sunlight reaches this ocean floor, which is terrifying when we think of a tiny, deep sea creature that no one can hear screaming as you pull underwater.

Dammit, I did too. I often think better of this than that. We bring this back in detail with some amazing jelly notes. The giant phantom jellyfish bears its name. We are talking about a 10-foot (3-meter) and 3-foot (1-meter) bell. That’s not a big lion’s fat, how about their 120-foot (37 m) wings.

But then, a 10-foot-tall fly that looks like paper is enough to cover a human body while a three-legged bell can hold a human head, swallowing the body slowly. until only the bones were left to venture into the abyss wonderful creatures he selects them to pick up leftover food.

No worries here.

No worries here.
Picture: MBARI / Gizmodo

Sorry, I do not know why this bothers me. As a nature lover, this should be easy. A piece of cake, really. MBARI researchers have seen fish swimming near the jellyfish. Which, well, you see. That’s great! The midnight spot provides little space for sea creatures. The giant phantom jellyfish offers a cover-up, allowing small fish to hide from large enemies. In 2003, MBARI’s MBV drew a picture of an eel-shaped fish called brotula and, researchers wrote, “her stomach opposes the ointment.” What a wonderful change of voice.

We are in public. Let’s see what else we have. Yes, the hands of the giant phantom jelly act like a mouth. OK, sorry, I’m just talking about the horror movie. I went out.

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