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Indiana Jones is the Final Battle to End the Extreme Dive Dive

Indiana Jones looks at the Knight in the Last Crusade.

Of course, we no longer know Indy. Everything is amazing.
Picture: Paramount + / Lucasfilm

For many years, I believed in it Indiana Jones was immortal. I saw Indiana Jones and the Last War when it was was first released in the exhibition space and, since he had drunk that sacred drink before he went up to sunset, I thought Indiana Jones would live forever. Not many years passed for an explanation of how the eternal life offered by the grail to be in the temple came to me. And I tell you all this because it is just one example of why I am still completely fascinated by the end of Indiana Jones and the Last War.

For anyone who has not seen it in years, this is the setting. Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and her father, Henry (Sean Connery), spent the whole movie searching for the Holy Grail. It was the cup Jesus used at the Last Supper, which held His blood on the cross. and they believe that they give eternal life to those who drink it. The problem is, the Nazis are following it again, and everyone will get to the place where the Nazi party was.s (fellow grail collector Donovan, starring Julian Glover) shooting Henry, forcing Indy to release the tip. To do so, he must face three challenges.

Obviously Indy copes with hardships, Nazis die, Fathers are saved, and all is well. What is happening right now, to this day, remains as strange and dry as any other event in the franchise. And see: I have, 100%, very fond of this film. Everything I say does not change what I like Indiana Jones and the Last War, everywhere. And, most of the time, I hate the amount of nitpicking I’m going to do. Just every time the movie is on, that is information in the next 30 years, I think about these things. I can’t stop thinking about them. So it was time, finally, to see if I was alone. my apologies Indy fans. Don’t let the following give you a hint about this amazing video and I love it and sorry. But here we go …

Challenge 1: The Breath of God

The leaves from the breath of God protest.

It seems that repentant men duck AND roll
Picture: Paramount + / Lucasfilm

The first is called “the breath of God.” It is a list of cutting pages that you can find if you kneel. “Repentant man,” as Indy puts it. Well, we have that. So Indy knew how to kneel, but how did Indy know she had to roll over too? And I do not fully understand the shooting of a rope on a wooden wheel. For a very long time I thought he was an expert at stopping leaves because it happens all at once. True, not true, with Indy blocking pages, so Donovan and Elsa (Alison Doody), who accompanies him during the trials, can pass. But even then it seems, how did he manage to do it so quickly? The reason is at the same time. Also, why is there even a cable? Who sets it up again and again? However, it is an exciting time that is incomprehensible but it is the most obvious one of its challenges.

Challenge # 2: The Word of God

Indiana Jones is hanging out.

What are you holding here?
Picture: Paramount + / Lucasfilm

The second challenge is “the word of God.” It requires a person to pronounce the divine name, or Latinization of the merits of God The Hebrew name, Jehovah, one of the seven Jewish sects. And, funnyly, we are told that in Latin Jehovah begins with “I” when Indy steps on “J” to reveal the deadly secret. The secret is that if you step on the wrong letter, you will fall to your death. Well, I understand. Director Steven Spielberg also puts a photo showing that real letters have large stone pillars under them to help the person when everything else is empty. And yet, I’ve always had a lot of questions about this. Has anyone ever made a mistake in the past? Is that why all the letters are still there? And if someone dies in this case, can someone else replace the letters? When Indy falls and grabs her, how does the letter she grabbed break? It is clear from the film that he does not touch the stone with a pillar under it. Then he gets up and starts writing and his heel hits another block, not breaking. I know that’s why it’s useful, but it always bothers me. Very, I can go on and on about this problem but I have to do it, no, it is happening with WHO? WHAT SKILL WAS HE MAKING TO MAKE THIS BETTER MUSIC? HOW LONG WILL IT STAY? … All right, sorry, ssometimes I can’t control myself.

Challenge # 3: God’s Way

Two pictures of the bridge in the Last Crusade.

How does this compare?
Picture: Paramount + / Lucasfilm

And then there is the third objection, “God’s Way.” O child, “God’s way.” By this time you all know where I’m going with this one right? Indy has to jump faith to cross, the cliff itself is too long for anyone to jump. Then he just pulls his foot out and you don’t know? There is an invisible bridge. Now, I know this is a video about the impossible and the spiritual — the list filled with aliens, ghosts, gods, and Nazi magic boxes—but an invisible bridge? What the hell. How did the builders of this room come to understand that? Was it something special? Visual illusion made of glass? Glasses did not exist many centuries ago. Was it painted with old paint? How did they get along so well? Or, is it at all?

Everywhere, we have to assume that the bridge is always there but it is difficult to detect, everyone who wants to enter it has faith. That’s the point. But the events around it are so amazing. First of all, it is clear when Indy enters the atmosphere there is probably nothing there, or is invisible at all. Then, after taking a step, the bridge suddenly appears, revealing itself inside the space. So was it always there or not? And if it wasn’t, how this place is to know whether you believe it or not? These questions would have been meaningless if there had been no shooting of Indy on the bridge when it was a solid rock. It’s a body in space, no doubt. But then he is followed by a shot that Indy throws sand over, and he is invisible. I have been watching this for 30 years and I still do not know how this works. The fact that you can challenge any kind of game in its own way, however, is very confusing, and good, but very confuse me.

Final Challenge: Choice Cat the top

Image of The Ending of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Has Forever Distractions and Excitement

Picture: Paramount + / Lucasfilm

Once Indy, Donovan, with Elsa arriving in the room with all the cups, things once again especially sensible. Keep in mind that Donovan is obsessed with the art, especially saying that he thinks about what it would look like, and then lets Elsa choose a cup that is not the most beautiful or the most beautiful of any cup in the room. He doesn’t look at them all, he just catches this one close. Yes, the years have passed and it has become clear that Elsa is just giving up Donovan and he knows she is stupid, but with her life on the line, you think she would have taken more time and thought here. Obviously, the point is no, they are not, and they are speechless Here are some of the ones I found to be interesting: If I’m tired, I just want to. To review this process, The knight’s rules are clear: He said: “The seal does not go beyond the Great Seal. “That is the limit and the price of immortality.” Which can interpret this in two ways. One is that the ONLY ONE cannot pass a seal, which is false, then the real meaning, which is that the seal is the limit of immortality. I do not blame my 9-year-old son for not receiving the first time he saw this movie, honestly.

Also, how does immortality work? Knight is still alive and well and very old. Not for hundreds of years, but an old man. Are they that old? What happened after he lost all his strength? They may not be able to move very well. I have to agree I would love to see Knight walk backwards through all the hardships to be shaken up in Indy. Does he have a secret plan? How often do they move to other rooms? He does not have to be in a grail chamber, in fact, to remain immortal. He may have been able to walk and spend time with other rooms for years. It’s not like people are coming every day. And if someone comes, how will he kill him if he does not die? Should they fight outside?

See? I thought about this for 10 minutes Indiana Jones and the Last War too much. It’s fun forever. Yes, it is a little foolish, I think about it way more often — especially as, honestly, you can shake all of this as a spiritual touch in a movie-filled series. But even what you read above, i don’t really care all if The Last War it doesn’t make sense. I love that it exists, and it still inspires me to see and reflect on them many years after they were released.

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