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‘The Cult of We’: A New Book Reveals What We’ve Worked For

MF: Well, this is not new at all, but I’m just… Schitt River It’s as if I’ve been through a lot. I was late with it, it took me a little while to get in, but it’s a really big show. It’s very funny. It really excited me and I wish I had never seen it again and again, and I admire people who haven’t looked at it yet and can just move on.

LG: Yes. Difficult acceptance. Also I like that we are still keeping our head here and selling the land because they lose their homes and then live in a motel. Did you see this Netflix special when he hid at the end of the sixth season?

MF: No, I didn’t. Oh, I still have something to look at.

LG: Yes. That’s great. Mountains, yes. You’ve got to see it.

MF: Well, that’s fine.

LG: Eliot, what is your advice?

EB: Nor is it really new but I just listen to the podcast Fiasco, which is a companion, the Iran Contra season, which I know nothing about and it’s fun. When we live … I’m already starting to confuse this. We were selling war money about Iran and contras in Latin America, and Oliver North and Reagan and the whole bunch of exciting Senate meetings that … This big story but it went without much damage.

LG: What’s the name of that podcast? What does Fiasco say?

EB: Fiasco. Yes, revealed by his colleague, Leon Neyfakh, who performed Slow Burn Slate.

LG: Oh, Slow Burn is the best. It has to be really good.

MC: Everywhere I have a sticker for Shred ‘Em Ollie. If you remember everything was messed up.

LG: Mike, what is your advice?

MC: So, I would like to advise you to sort the music platform, it is called Mixcloud. I think everyone has heard of this but I have been explaining it to people and I have noticed that many of my friends have not heard it. Therefore, I recommend here the show. You can recognize SoundCloud as a place where DJs have been mixing for years, so if you love electronic music or listen to DJs who send jazz and hip hop a lot with reggae and other things, you can long find more on SoundCloud. In recent years, SoundCloud has changed its kind of business to include people who create start-ups and a small number of people who send mixes and DJs and so on. As a result, many DJs have moved to Mixcloud.

Mixcloud has been around almost SoundCloud, but its platform is designed for people who mix. And there are many wonderful treasures there. If you like hip hop, if you like acid jazz, if you like the spirit of 1960s, if you like rock, if you like psy trance Burning Man music, it’s all there. You can follow the tags to find the people you like, follow them, see what they feel. You get new ideas. It is a global group so there are many items from Europe and Latin America and Asia. It’s so amazing.

It’s a platform, it’s free to listen. There are paid installments, but you get more for free. That’s why my opinion. For more events in the long sonic journey, see Mixcloud. Lauren, what is your advice?

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